December 20, 2005

Corporate Blogs, Wikis, and Podcasts

It seems that Wikis, blogs, and podcasts have become an important source of interest to corporate executives these days. Many firms have begun to create corporate versions of these to reap benefits from both internal and external communications. Here is a recent diatribe on IBM in the Blogosphere.

I wanted to understand the practical ways of improving readership since I am very new to the world of blogging. A simple search led me to Technorati, Blogdex, and Blogshares that assign ranking to individual blogs. One way to understand readership is by analyzing the propagation of information from one user to another via blog networks. This is termed as memes. The Blog Epidemic Analyzer developed at the HP labs allows users to graphically track the information propagation over blog networks. In a similar approach, Intelliseek, an Ohio based firm, has introduced the BlogPulse with interesting features such as automatic trend discovery and conversation tracking.

Looks like popular topics are never technical!!

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